It means that the trader has any position in the forex market. For example, if the investor is buying or selling in GBPUSD, this person has an open position.
Arbitrage is the process of simultaneous buying and selling of an asset from different platforms, exchanges or locations to cash in on the price difference, usually small in percentage terms.
A bear market is a general decline in the stock market over a period of time. It includes a transition from high investor optimism to widespread investor fear and pessimism.
It means that the trader has any position in the forex market. For example, if the investor is buying or selling in GBPUSD, this person has an open position.
It means that the trader has any position in the forex market. For example, if the investor is buying or selling in GBPUSD, this person has an open position.
It means that the trader has any position in the forex market. For example, if the investor is buying or selling in GBPUSD, this person has an open position.
It means that the trader has any position in the forex market. For example, if the investor is buying or selling in GBPUSD, this person has an open position.
It means that the trader has any position in the forex market. For example, if the investor is buying or selling in GBPUSD, this person has an open position.
It means that the trader has any position in the forex market. For example, if the investor is buying or selling in GBPUSD, this person has an open position.
The purchase price of a product.